Instructions for authors

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us. These guidelines will ensure that we have everything we need to get your paper through the peer review, production, and publication process smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as this will ensure that your paper meets the journal’s requirements.

We offer article translation services to English and plagiarism checker by Turnitin, and would be happy to assist you in preparing your manuscript for submission, improving your chances of acceptance, or expanding the readership of your article.

 About this Journal

Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar is a journal that publishes articles that have gone through a plagiarism check process, peer-reviewed and publishes high-quality original research on the discipline of elementary education. a scientific journal that focuses on elementary education. This journal publishes articles based on empirical studies using quantitative or qualitative approaches or a combination of both. The scope of the study includes project-based learning methods; digital-based learning; child learning psychology; learning assessment; Inclusion and special education; teacher professional development; parental involvement; environment-based learning; and creativity and innovation in elementary learning.

Please note that Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar only publishes manuscripts in English, and accepts original articles [never previously published].

Open Access

You have the option to publish an open access article in the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar. Open access publication means that your article will be freely accessible online immediately upon publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research on the development of global knowledge.

Peer Review and Ethics

Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar is committed to the integrity of peer review and upholds high review standards. Once your paper is assessed for suitability by the editor, it will be peer reviewed anonymously by two independent and anonymous experts. If you have shared a previous version of your Author's Original Manuscript on a preprint server, please note that anonymity cannot be guaranteed.

Preparing your paper structure

Your paper should be structured in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgements; declaration of interests; references; appendices (as appropriate); tables with captions (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list).

Title : Use bold for your article title, with a capital letter at the beginning of each proper noun.

Abstract : You have the opportunity to “pitch” your article to the journal editor, and then to its readers. Your abstract should focus on what your research is about, what methods you used, and what you found.

Keywords : Keywords help readers find your article, so they are essential for its discoverability. If the journal's instructions for authors do not specify a set number of keywords, use five or six keywords.

Word Limits : There is no word limit for papers in the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar.

Formatting and Templates

Papers can be submitted in editable Word format. Please do not submit your paper in PDF format. Figures should be kept separate from the text [if they are large and support the quality of your work]. To assist you in preparing your paper, we provide format templates; click jMt template- available for this journal. Please save the template to your hard drive, ready to use.

If you are unable to use the template via the link (or if you have any other template questions), please contact us here Contact.

Reference : Please use standard APA referencing style. For example,

Toker Gökçe, A. (2021). Core Values ​​in Education From the Perspective of Future Educators. Sage Open, 11(2).

Zeichner, K. (2019). Preparing Teachers as Democratic Professionals. Action in Teacher Education, 42(1), 38–48.

 Author Data

Ensure that all listed authors meet the requirements. All authors of a manuscript must state their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. If available, please also include their ORCiD and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn). One author must be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address usually displayed in the PDF of the article (depending on the journal) and the online article. The author’s affiliation is the affiliation where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors change affiliation during the peer-review process, the new affiliation may be provided as a footnote. Please note that no affiliation changes can be made once your paper has been accepted.

Authorship confers credit and implies accountability for published work, so there are academic, social, and financial implications.

It is important to ensure that people who have contributed to a paper are given credit as authors. And also that those who are acknowledged as authors understand their responsibilities and accountability for what is published.

There are several types of authorship that need to be considered as follows:

 Co-author : Anyone who has made a significant contribution to a journal article. They also share responsibility and accountability for the published research results.

Corresponding author : If more than one author writes an article, you will choose one person to be the corresponding author. This person will handle all correspondence about the article and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all authors. They are responsible for ensuring that all authors’ contact details are correct, and agreeing the order in which their names will appear in the article. Authors will also need to ensure that affiliations are correct, as explained in more detail below.

1. Making a significant contribution to the reported work. This may occur in conception, study design, execution, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, or in all of these areas.

2. Has compiled or written, substantially revised or critically reviewed the article.

3. Have approved the journal to which the article will be submitted.

4. Review and approve all versions of the article prior to submission, during revision, the final version accepted for publication, and any significant changes introduced at the review stage.

5. Agree to be accountable for the content of the article. Share responsibility for resolving any questions raised about the accuracy or integrity of the published work.

6. Your affiliation in the manuscript should be the institution where you conducted the research. You should also include details of funding received from that institution [if any]

7. If you have changed affiliations since completing your research, your new affiliation may be acknowledged in a note. We are usually unable to make changes to affiliations after the journal has accepted your article.

Biographical notes : Please provide a short biographical note for each author. This can be taken from your departmental website or academic networking profile and should be relatively brief (e.g. no more than 200 words).

Using Third Party Materials : You must obtain the necessary permissions to reuse third-party material in your article. The use of short text quotations and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for purposes of criticism and review without obtaining formal permission. If you wish to include any material in your paper that is not copyrighted, and that is not covered by this informal agreement, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owner before submitting it.

Submitting Your Paper : Before you start submitting your manuscript to the Journal, you should check whether your article is in accordance with the template, focus and scope and article submission provisions that apply to the journal.

Preparing your files
To submit your manuscript, you will need the following files:

Manuscript with author details; this should include your manuscript (title page with names of all authors and co-authors, and abstract, keywords, main text and references).

Anonymous manuscript – if you are submitting to a journal with a double anonymous peer review policy, you will need to provide this in addition to the above files. This version should not include any identifying information about the authors.

As for image files, table files, any additional files – such as supplementary materials or biographical notes.

Some types of articles are not peer-reviewed and require specific files to be uploaded, such as Book Reviews and Editorials.

Please note that the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar uses cross reference to filter papers from unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar. you agree to originality checks during the peer review and production process.

Once accepted, we recommend that you retain a copy of the Accepted Manuscript [the version of the journal article that has been accepted for publication in the journal.”].

Share multiple versions of your article

From the manuscript you first submit to a journal [“Any version of a journal article that is considered by the authors to be of sufficient quality to be submitted for formal peer review.”], through peer review and revision, to the final article published on the website, there may be several versions of your paper.

Data Sharing Policy

This journal has a data sharing policy. Authors are encouraged to share or make available the data that support the results or analyses presented in their paper if this does not violate the protection of human subjects or other legitimate privacy or security concerns. Authors are encouraged to deposit datasets in recognized data repositories that can generate persistent digital identifiers, preferably digital object identifiers (DOIs) and identify plans for their long-term preservation. Authors are also encouraged to cite [“Data citation, like citation of other evidence and sources, is good research practice and part of a scientific ecosystem that supports data reuse.”] the data referred to in the paper and to provide [A data availability statement (sometimes called a ‘data access statement’) tells readers where the research data associated with a paper are available, and under what conditions they can be accessed. The statement also includes a link (if applicable) to the dataset].

At submission, you will be asked if there is a dataset associated with the paper. If you answer yes, you will be asked to provide a DOI, pre-registered DOI, hyperlink, or other persistent identifier associated with the dataset. If you have chosen to provide a pre-registered DOI, please be prepared to share the reviewer URL associated with your data repository, upon reviewer request.

If one or more datasets are associated with a manuscript, they will not be formally peer-reviewed as part of the journal submission process. Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the data. Any errors in the data are the sole responsibility of the creators of the datasets.

Publication Fees

There is no article submission fee, but there will be a plagiarism checking fee, translation into English (if you include the plagiarism results file and the article in English, there will be no fee). To help develop this journal to be better, a publication fee of IDR. 250,000 will be charged.

Copyright Options

Copyright allows you to protect your original material, and prevent others from using your work without your permission. Our journal offers a number of different licensing and reuse options, including Creative Commons license [CC-BY-SA] when publishing open access.


Copyright is a type of intellectual property right that protects original creative works, including scholarly works such as academic articles. Copyright law grants the copyright owner certain exclusive rights for a specified term of copyright protection (currently, usually the author's lifetime plus 70 years). These include the exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, and distribute a work.

As an author publishing with the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, you can obtain the copyright rights necessary to publish and distribute your article based on the options we provide. And it is important to understand the various copyright options as an author, especially with the growth of open access publishing. Here, we explain how licensing or copyright transfers apply to open access and subscription (non-open access) publications.

Copyright in open access articles

For open access articles, in return for payment of an article publication charge (APC) by the author or their funder, the Journal of Math Tadris (jMt) will make the article open access, allowing wide access and reuse according to the author's choice of license. Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar will also validate, produce, disseminate, and act as a steward in the long-term curation of the article, including managing any updates or changes, so that readers can be confident that the version they see is the most recent version on record. In the open access model, publishing activities are funded by APCs, paid before publication, and therefore the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar can be more flexible in the rights it requires.

When publishing open access, authors (or copyright owners, if different) sign an author publishing agreement in which they retain copyright and grant the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar the right to publish the Version of Record of the article. The agreement incorporates a Creative Commons license of the author's choice, which will determine what others can do with the article after it is published. Find out what licenses your chosen journal offers by using the open access fee finder.

Others may remix, modify, and build upon the work non-commercially, and while their new works must also credit you as the original creator and be non-commercial, they do not have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Research Impact or the effects of published work

Once published, you will be able to view, download and check your article metrics (downloads, citations and Altmetric data) via the Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Online homepage. This is where you can access every article you have published with us, so you can quickly and easily share your work with friends and colleagues. Some areas of impact of your published work are (1) Academic impact: The impact that research has had in academia, for example advancing and developing understanding, methods and theories within a field or across disciplines; (2) Cultural or societal: The impact of research on people, culture and society; (3) Policy: The impact of research on policy formulation, for example using research as evidence to influence policy decisions; (4) Economic impact: Impact on business and economic growth or development; (5) Environmental: Impact on the environment, for example this research exploring why being aware and knowledgeable about climate change is not always enough for people to behave pro-environmentally; (6) Health: As in developing new drugs or influencing changes in medical practice; and others.

We are committed to promoting and increasing the visibility of your articles. Let's submit your best work in our journal Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar.
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 Question : If you have any questions, please contact us: Editor.

updated on November 28, 2024