Focus and Scope


Journal Al Irfani published by STAI Darul Kamal is one of the journals of the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science study program. This journal aims to publish articles from research results in the study area of the Qur'an and Tafsir and al Hadith. Published articles are used as references and references in solving various problems related to the disciplines of the Koran and Tafsir and hadith, both text, contextual, and implementation in everyday society. This journal is published twice a year.


The scope of the study includes themes on issues around classical interpretation, Contemporary Hermeneutics, Living Qur'an Dirkursus, Al-Qur'an Manuscripts, Gender Interpretation, Relation of the Koran and Pop Culture, Digital Al-Qur'an and Tarjamah Al -Qur'an and about hadist. We invite all researchers to submit articles to the Al Irfani Journal. The editorial board accepts scientific papers that have never been published before for the next edition.

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