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Baiq Yayuk Samsiniwati


Culture is one of the tasks carried out by education to pass on noble cultural values to students in order to form a good personality through education. For this reason, one of the school cultures that has been developed is discipline towards students. The purpose of this study was to describe student planning, student implementation and supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of student discipline culture at SMP N 1 Masbagik. The type of research used by the author in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, data is collected using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Sources of data are school principals, student vice presidents, teachers, and students. data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, and verification of conclusions. Data validity was carried out by source triangulation and technique triangulation. Because in this study the data obtained will be collected and the truth will be known. The results showed that: 1) student management planning in building a student discipline culture includes: analysis of student needs, student recruitment, student selection, student orientation, student placement, student recording and reporting. 2) student development in an effort to build a disciplined culture of students, the implementation of student guidance consists of (a) fostering school rules by giving a statement regarding the readiness of students to comply with school rules. (b) coaching through activities such as; orientation activities namely by socializing the rules and regulations at school, holding morning calls and returning home from school to provide directions and advice to students. (c) coaching through scout extracurricular activities to train students in terms of discipline. Both time discipline, discipline in dress and discipline in behavior. 3) supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of student discipline culture, namely supporting factors: commitment of the committee and principal, all school members, and school environment. The inhibiting factor is the student's own awareness, the student's parents.


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How to Cite
Samsiniwati , B. Y. . (2022). Student management in building a culture of discipline Junior high school students in Lombok. At-Tadbir : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2(2), 22–29.