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Bustanul Karim


Ashariyah theology is a theological trend attributed to its originator, Abu Hasan Al-Ash'ari. Ash'ariyah theology is a theology that is considered moderate and has a considerable influence in Islam until now. No exception, the influence of Ash'ariyah theology is quite strong among Indonesian Muslims in general. Starting from these conditions, it is interesting to study the dynamics of the agency of Sunni figures, especially agencies originating from outside Java in the middle of the awareness to study local figures. Therefore, the research will examine one of the Sunni figures who moved outside Java and his influence. This research was carried out with a qualitative method, aiming to simultaneously explore the history of Ash'ariyah as a moderate Sunni theology and its influence on Tuan Guru Zainuddin Abdul Madjid. , as well as theories about kasb in this theology. Ash'ariyah theology is formulated by referring to arguments that are sourced from the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah, as well as referring to rational arguments that are sourced from analogies or logic. Ash'ariyah theology has its own uniqueness compared to other theologies. In this theology, Imam Ash'ari as a pioneer is based on the textual approach as the basis of his theology, but he combines aql (intellect) and naql (shari'at evidence/revelation) critically. Making reason as an optimal rationalization effort but not as free as Muktazilah theology. Similarly, Ash'ariyah theology emphasizes naql strongly, but not as strictly as geology or the Hambaliah school, which tends to ignore logical argumentation. Ash'ariyah is quite open to contemporary developments, so accommodating to progress in various fields. His moderate teaching leading to Ash'ariyah is still recognized for its existence as a movement with the pattern of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah, No exception to Tuan Guru Zainuddin Abdul Madjdi who is the founder of the largest Islamic organization in eastern Indonesia, namely Nahdlatul Wathan as the fruit of the movement that he has started since returning from Makkah. The Sunni understanding in fact greatly influenced the way Tuan Guru preached, looked at the country's system, and the book of interpretation taught by him.


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How to Cite
Karim, B. ., & Senep, Z. (2023). The Influence of Asyariyah Theology toward TGKH. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid in Lombok. Alif Lam: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities, 4(1), 10–23.
Research Articel (Peer Review)