Journal Identity
Alif Lam: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities
ISSN 2774-7093 (e), ISSN 2775-2461 (p), The ISSN Portal
DOI: 10.51700/aliflam by Crossref
Frequency : Two Issues per year (February and August)
Status : Accredited Sinta 5
Editor in Chief : Muhamad Said, (Google Scholar ID| ORCID ID)
Published by STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang
Alif Lam: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities aims to bridge the gap between textual and contextual approaches to Islamic Studies and the humanities in order to solve problems in Muslim society. Thus, this journal invites the intersection of several disciplines and scholars. The study focuses on topics, namely theology (theology); fiqh jinayah; tasawuf (Sufism); Islamic ecology; Islamic philosophy; the values of the Qur'an in the life of society, spirituality; Islamic language and literature; Islamic manuscripts and traditions; Islamic philanthropy; Islamic politics; multicultural Islamic education; the values of Islamic education and society; religious social movements; social history; Islamic clinical psychology, Islamic economics and tourism, and Islamic communication; and sociolinguistics. This journal is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal for anyone in the context of sharing research knowledge globally.
Indexed by
Crossref | Google Scholar | Portal Garuda | Moraref
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Further publication
Call for Papers, 2025
Volume 5, No.1, Februari 2025 | Volume 5, No. 2, Agustus 2025
Aliflam berfokus pada penerbiatan artikel penelitian integrasi ilmu Studi Islam dengan ilmu Humaniora menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner dan multidisiplin. Bidang lingkup meliputi, yaitu teologi (ilmu kalam); piqih jinayah; tasawuf (sufisme); ekologi Islam; filsafat Islam; nilai-nilai al qur'an dalam kehidupan masyarakat, spiritualitas; bahasa dan sastra Islam; manuskrip dan tradisi Islam; filantropi Islam; politik Islam; pendidikan Islam multicultural; nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam dan masyarakat; religious social movement; sejarah social; psikologi klinis Islam, ekonomi dan pariwisata syariah, dan komunikasi Islam; dan sosiolinguistik.
Alhamdulillah, Alif Lam: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities has been accredited by Sinta 5. As a form of gratitude and our commitment as journal managers to continue to improve the quality of the journal, the Alif Lam journal accepts manuscripts of research articles, and/or critical reviews/analysis reviews (bibliometric/systematic reviews) in accordance with the scope of the Alif Lam journal.
Before Submission
Authors must ensure that the manuscript has been written using the Alif Lam _template that follows the Aauthor Guidelines and is not a single author. Manuscripts written by a single author are only for invited authors or authors who have a good reputation in research or publications in the field of Islamic Studies and Humanities. Manuscripts must also have been carefully checked and checked for similarity (Turnitin application recommendation), and plagiarism results should be attached as additional files in the submission process. Manuscripts that do not meet the author's guidelines, focus, and scope, are written in a different format, or manuscripts that do not comply with standard Indonesian language rules will be immediately rejected. Manuscripts that meet the Alif Lam journal standards will be processed further.
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2025): Alif Lam : Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities