Author Guidelines

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Thank you for choosing to send us your paper. These instructions will ensure we have everything you need to get your paper through  the peer review, production, and publication process smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow it as closely as possible, as that way, your paper will fit the requirements of the journal.

We offer article translation services to English and plagiarism check by Turnitin, and we are happy to help you prepare your manuscript for submission, increase your chances of being accepted, or expand your article readership.

About the Journal

Alifbata: The Journal of Basic Education is a journal that publishes articles that have gone through a plagiarism check, peer-reviewed process and publishes high-quality original research on the discipline of basic education. This journal publishes articles based on empirical studies using a quantitative or qualitative approach or a combination of both. The scope of the study includes project-based learning methods; digital-based learning; child learning psychology; learning assessment; Inclusion and special education; teacher professional development; parental involvement; environment-based learning; and creativity and innovation in learning at the elementary level.

Alifbata : The Journal of Basic Education accepts writings in the form of manuscripts in Indonesian or English with the following conditions:

1. The writing has never been published in a periodical or book.

2. The topic of the paper is in accordance with  the purpose and scope of  the study  of the Alifbata Journal  , namely Basic Education.

3. Questions can be submitted to the Alifbata Editorial Team,

Submit Manuscripts

Authors must send the manuscript of the article in word form according to  the journal template. If there are other files from the main article manuscript or supporting data, the author can also submit them as supporting files.

The manuscript should contain the following sections in this order:

Title: The title of the article in Indonesian must describe the main content of the manuscript, be informative, and concise (only 12-15 words), do not contain a formula and avoid including the location of the research [if the research is unique or a case study include the location of the research], the name of the rule, and the abbreviation.

Author's name: Full name without a degree and academic degree. Manuscripts written by the group need to be accompanied by complete contact details. The name of the affiliate for each author. The author's name must be accompanied by a full affiliation address, zip code number, and email address [insert correspondent author's email].

Include a brief description of the maximum correspondence (100 words) including the second author and so on.

Abstract: Written briefly in English and Indonesian in a single paragraph of 100-150 words, containing the research objectives, methodology, and research findings.

Keywords: Written in Indonesian 3-5 words or groups of words, written in alphabetical order and separated by a sign [;]. We recommend that keywords are written that indicate variables or subjects to make it easier to find and distribute your work globally.

Introduction: The introduction must include the background of the problem that contains about the issues that are developing or starting from the theory that is a reference for the research variable or the central phenomena of the research. Furthermore, the analysis of relevant previous studies gives birth to various hypotheses or initial assumptions. Explanation of ideas and ideas about the position of the researcher or research as an indicator of novelty based on issues/theories and the results of previous study studies. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the research must be briefly explained.

Theory, Literature Review, And Hypothesis Development: Describes the study of the main theories and/or supporting theories used in the research. If the research is explanatory [quantitative] it should explain the hypothesis.

Methodology: The compatibility between the research problems will determine the approach and research design to be used. In this section, it must be explained in detail and operationally with clear references to the research design used, research methods include data collection techniques and data analysis procedures. Also explain if you are using computer-based data analysis or applications with clear references. If using a development research approach, be sure to explain the development model that is referenced by scientific arguments.

Results and Discussion: in this section, the results or data findings can be described in an integrated manner starting from the data findings (results) and discussions, or they can be described separately, namely the data findings (results) are written in subsections and then discussed in other subsections. The research data (research results) is presented clearly and informatively supported in the form of tables or figures. The data of the findings presented in the form of tables, graphs or drawings are described in descriptive form. Results section without any references. Tables are created in a format without vertical lines (like an example). Each table and figure should be referenced in the text. The words "Figure" and "Table" in the caption of the picture and table are written in left-aligned, bold. Bar charts are presented in shading form. Tables and images are placed inside the text in separate file sections. If the results of the research are in descriptive form, briefly explain them in the form of a narrative according to the research data and accompanied by sources of data collection techniques (observations, interviews, documents or other techniques). Meanwhile, in the discussion [discussion] is adjusted to the research design used, whether the discussion is exploratory or understanding or explanatory and/or in development research. The discussion is the answer to the formulation of the problem proposed in the research. The discussion explains what the meaning of the results obtained, especially the subjects encountered. The discussion is made by showing whether the results are relevant to expectations or not and supported by citations of several previous research results that are relevant to the research topic. The discussion is presented clearly and informatively and uses clear references (there are no tables or pictures in the text).

Conclusion: The conclusion is written in the form of a non-numerical pargrape. It contains a theoretical statement whether it aims to test a theory or find a new theory or develop a concept/theory/product. The statement needs to have a supporting explanation of several sentences. The conclusion contains a brief description in the form of answers to the problems raised

Limitations and recommendations for further research: The researcher or author must explain the limitations of the writing [research results] and provide recommendations for further research.

Reference: Reference writing follows APA rules and reference management is recommended using the Mendeley or Zotero application with a bodynote model. References at least 15; 70% of journal articles >10 years and 30% of book references etc.

Copyright Notice

The author who published his article on Alifbata: Jurnal Pendidikan Elementary agrees with the following conditions:

1. The author retains the copyright and grants the journal the first publication rights with the work simultaneously licensed under  the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to share the work with acknowledgment of the authorship of the work and the original publication in this journal.

2. Authors may make separate additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal-published version of the work (e.g., posting it to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.

3. Alifbata: The Journal of Basic Education is licensed under CC-BY-SA or equivalent as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scientific works.

4. In developing strategies and setting priorities, Alifbata: Journal of Basic Education recognizes that free access is better than paid access and that free under CC-BY-SA or its equivalent is better than free under different and more stringent open licenses.

This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be provided for any other purpose or to any other party.

LicencyThis work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Indexes and Abstracting

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