Author Guidelines


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ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education accepts writing in the form of articles and preferably in English with the following conditions:

1. The article has never been published in a periodical or book.
2. The topic of writing is in accordance with the scope of the Alifbata Journal study, namely basic
     education [PAUD, MI and SD].
3. Authors need manuscript translation and proofreading, please contact this email:
4. Any questions can be sent to the Alifbata editorial team, which is located on Floor II STAI Darul Kamal NW Kembang Kerang, or to

Submit Manuscripts

Authors must send article manuscripts in two file formats, namely (1) one file containing the complete name of the author to the editorial board; and (2) one file without including the author's name for the peer-review process. If there are other files from the main article manuscript or supporting data, the author can also send them as supporting files.

The manuscript must contain the following sections in this order:

Title; The title of the article in Indonesian language must describe the main content of the manuscript, be informative, concise and not long-winded (only 12-15 words), not contain formulas and avoid including the research location [if the research is unique, include the research location], the name of the regulations, and abbreviation.

Writer's name; Full name without titles and academic degrees. Manuscripts written by groups need to be accompanied by complete contact details. Affiliate name for each author. The author's name must be accompanied by a complete affiliate address, postal code number, and email address [include the corresponding author's email].

Abstract; Written briefly in English and Indonesian in one paragraph of 100-200 words, containing background, research objectives, methodology, results, research conclusions.

Keywords; Written in Indonesian 3-5 words or groups of words, written in alphabetical order and separated by [;]

Introduction: The introduction must include the background of the problem which contains issues that are developing or starting from the theory that is the reference for the research variable or central research phenomenon. Next, analyze relevant previous studies to give rise to various hypotheses or initial assumptions. Explanation of ideas and concepts regarding the position of researchers or research as an indicator of novelty based on issues/theories and the results of previous studies. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the research must be briefly explained

Theory, Literature Review, And Hypothesis Development: Presents the study of the main theory and/or supporting theories used in the research. If research is explanatory [quantitative] it must explain the hypothesis.

Methodology: The suitability of the research problem will determine the research approach and design that will be used. In this section, it must be explained in detail and operationally with clear references to the research approach (paradigm), relevant research design, research methods including data collection techniques and data analysis procedures. Also explain if you use computer-based data analysis or applications with clear references. If you use a development research approach, make sure to explain the development model that is used as a reference with scientific arguments

Analysis and Results: Analysis is the process of analyzing data into data findings or research results that are presented clearly and informatively supported in visuals in the form of tables or images. Finding data presented in the form of tables, graphs or images are explained in descriptive form. Results section without any references. The table is created in a format without vertical lines (as in the example). Every table and figure must be referenced in the text. The words "Figure" and "Table" in the figure and table captions are written using Calisto MT: 11 pt, left aligned, bold. Bar charts are presented in shaded form. Tables and figures are placed within the text in separate file sections. The table is given a table description at the top of the table (aligned left). The image is captioned at the bottom of the image. Images are presented openly without frame lines in JPEG format with 300 dpi quality. If the research results are in descriptive form, explain them briefly in narrative form according to the research data.

Discussion: The discussion is adjusted to the research approach, whether the discussion is exploratory or understanding or explanatory and/or in development research. Discussion is the answer to the problem formulation posed in the research. The discussion explains what the results obtained mean, especially regarding the subjects encountered. The discussion is made by indicating whether the results are relevant to expectations or not and supported by citations of several previous research results that are relevant to the research topic. The discussion is presented clearly and informatively and uses clear references (there are no tables or figures in the text).

Conclusion: The conclusion section contains a theoretical statement whether the aim is to test a theory or discover a new theory or develop a concept/theory/product. This statement needs a supporting explanation in several sentences. The conclusion contains a brief description in the form of an answer to the problem posed.

Theoretical Implications: Theoretical implications are the relevance of conclusions to previous research and the contribution of research results to the body of knowledge in certain scientific disciplines

Research limitations and recommendations: The researcher or writer must explain the limitations of the writing [research results] and provide recommendations for further research.

References: Reference writing follows APA rules and reference management is recommended using the Mendeley or Zotero application with a bodynote model. Minimum References 15; 70% of journal articles > last 10 years and 30% book references and others.

Copyright and License

By submitting the manuscript of a paper/article to Alifbata: Primary Education Journal, the authors have agreed to the following conditions. No more paper based documents, no special signing required. Please also read our Publication Ethics and Plagiarism policies.


Authors who wish to publish and disseminate their papers with ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education, must agree to the publishing rights set by ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education. Authors understand that they must submit publication rights to ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education as part of the process after accepting publication. The authors agree that they will transfer certain copyrights to ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education. Consecutively, authors retain the right to use and share their own published articles without written permission from ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education as long as it is properly attributed that the article was first published in AALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education.

The author granted ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education the following rights; (1) The authors granted the journal the copyright and first publication to publish and provide the manuscript in all forms and media for publication and dissemination purposes; (2) authority to enforce rights to manuscripts, for example in cases of plagiarism or copyright infringement; (3) . Authors may make separate additional contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the journal (e.g., posting it to an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with acknowledgment of its initial publication in the current year of the journal.

ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); Code of Ethics and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors to protect research results and accept allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethical issues, and fraud if such issues arise. The manuscript is attributed as the work of the author, and correctly identified.


Works in ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Users are free to copy and redistribute the material in any media or format, remix, modify and develop the material under these terms; users should give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Users may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses the user or their use.

This work is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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