Peer-Review Proces
ALIFBATA: Journal of Basic Education is an electronic journal published by Islamic Religious Higher School of Darul NW Kembang Kerang, Indonesia. Manuscripts that have been submitted to the journal by the Authors will be analyzed by the Editorial Team before the peer-review process is carried out including: (a) suitability of the manuscript to the journal template; (b) manuscript scope; (c) the research topic has an element of novelty; (d) adequacy of references.
The Editor will notify you of the results of the review as soon as possible. Submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the editor. It will be evaluated, whether it is suitable for the focus and scope of the Alifbata Journal or has methodological weaknesses and a large similarity score.
The editor will carry out a plagiarism check for the submitted article before sending it to the reviewer. We do not process any plagiarized content. If an article has more than 30% plagiarism based on the inspection results, we will send the article back to the author for revision for plagiarized content. Journal creation is also carried out using Mendeley as a Reference Management Tool. The language used in this journal is English.
If it is fulfilled the criteria, it will be processed further by sending the manuscript to a Reviewer or two anonymous referees to obtain contribution, originality, relevance and presentation (double-blind review). Reviewers' comments are then sent to the corresponding author for necessary action and response.
The Role of Peer Reviewers
As a peer reviewer of a manuscript, your input is an important part of the peer review process. Peer reviewers are tasked with assessing the quality of manuscripts that will be accepted into the journal. Peer reviewers assess and evaluate the merits of articles which include, among other things, originality and contribution to the research field, thoroughness and completeness of the manuscript.
Review Process by Reviewers
There are several stages that will be carried out in the manuscript peer review process, including:
Stage 1: As a Reviewer, you will be notified via email about the invitation to review the manuscript.
Stage 2: Before responding to a review invitation, peer reviewers should ensure that:
a. The manuscript is within their area of expertise.
b. There are no conflicts of interest (e.g. being the author of the manuscript and providing funding for the research).
c. Able to commit to the time given to provide reviews.
Stage 3: Select appropriate hyperlinks based on your availability for review. This action will respond to the journal and update the system with your response. If you are willing to review, click “Can review” or, conversely, if you are unable to review or if the article is not your expertise, click “Unable to review”
Stage 4: Once you agree to review, you will be directed to the submission page where you can click on the file to download, review the full manuscript and declare whether you have any competing interests regarding the research.
When you review a manuscript, please use this page to understand aspects of reviewing. Please note that peer reviewers assess the manuscript and complete the review form within the specified time.
Stage 5: Peer reviewers must select manuscript recommendations (Accepted/ Accepted with Revisions/ Rejected) and submit their feedback to complete the review process.
Accepted research articles will be available online (free download) after the journal's peer-review process. The final decision regarding article acceptance will be made by the Editor based on the Reviewer's comments. Articles sent back to the author for revision must be returned to the editor without delay. Revised articles returned within 20 days will be considered new submissions. Revised articles can be submitted to editorial via the Online Submission Interface.
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